I wouldn't necessarily say so — they were on and off competitors but there is a well-known saying that "Hungary and Poland are like two brothers." Hungarian forces during WWII refused to take part in several campaigns against Poland despite their alliance with the Germans.
Lived in Hungary for several years, but never heard this saying.
Here's the Wikipedia article about it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pole_and_Hungarian_brothers_be#:~:text=The%20saying%20%E2%80%93%20a%2016th%2D%20or,brothers%20in%20war%20and%20peace.
Polish-Hungarian relations historically close??? Only since they both became part of the Soviet zone of influence, after World War II.
Poland and Hungary were enemies for centuries! Until the Soviet Union brought the countries of Eastern Europe together.
I wouldn't necessarily say so — they were on and off competitors but there is a well-known saying that "Hungary and Poland are like two brothers." Hungarian forces during WWII refused to take part in several campaigns against Poland despite their alliance with the Germans.